My friends and I decided to take part in the Global Game Jam 2018 since we thought it would be fun to do one more small weekend project together. This year’s theme was transmission. You find yourself in a hallway in an abandoned school. You have no clue how to get out. There are so many hallways to choose from! Escaping the maze doesn’t get any easier when you find out that someone is chasing you. If and when you die, you can record a message for the next victim that finds themselves lost in the school. With the help of the message, the next person may find their way out, or at least, they can record their voice to the next one, and the next one… Eventually someone will find see light at the end of the tunnel and manages to escape.
I used some of the old props that I had done for another project but I also modelled, UV-mapped and textured the flashlight, the bunny and the lockers during that weekend.