Terástios was the first game project that I took part in. We were a group of five and we were tasked to create a space shooter. We were assigned a concept that we were supposed to work on but somehow the team agreed to change the concept completely. We decided that it’s better to work on an idea that everyone is enthusiastic about. We decided that we want the setting to be in Ancient Greece where the main character has to fight a titan of the earth and rescue a family member before it’s too late. My role in this project was mainly to create design all the enemies and the animations except the boss’.

We wanted all the enemies to represent the earth somehow so we decided that I should do earth, tree and crystal enemy. I was also meant to do three animations for each one. The first one would be the basic running animation, the second one an attack animation and the third one a death animation.


Overall this was a fine project. I had never done pixel art before and it stressed me out a lot. I also had no experience in animation whatsoever and I had never heard the word ‘sprite’ before. Thankfully, the other graphics had drawn pixel art before and they were able to guide me. In the end, I had managed to design and draw three different characters in pixel art and animate them in Photoshop.